Lioden Wiki

It is possible to have up to 4 subordinate males in your pride. Subordinate males can not breed but they will support your main lion in protecting the pride and one of them can take over when your main male lion is ready to retire.

Subordinate Male Slots

You have to buy your subordinate male slots. You can have a max of 4 slots.

Slot Number Cost
1 500 SB
2 4 GB
3 8 GB*
4 15 GB*
  • These prices need to be confirmed as they were recalled from what someone said in chat and the recall might be incorrect.

What do Subordinate Males Do?

There will be a patol feature coming soon so that the males can protect the pride. We do not yet know what other things the subordinate males might be able to do 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I breed my subordinante males?


Can subordinate males be chased off/traded/sold?


Can I customize my subordinante males?

​It will be possible, but it is not currently. The ability to customize subordinate males is supposed to come out when the patrol feature comes out.

Do subordinate males take up territory space?
